The Curious Roots podcast digs deep in the living earth of our personal, familial and communal lives to help us understand how we exist in the world today.

“Wines from the same variety of grape will taste different depending on what the roots sink into--what they wrap around and bring to the surface. Humans are like this too. Knowing what your roots sink into--what they wrap around and bring to the surface--helps understand the tastes and sensations of our present.” —Patty Krawec

Curious Roots Season Two

Season two features three two-part episodes with members of the Harris Neck community. The new season opens with Chairman of the Harris Neck Land Trust, Mr. Winston Relaford, followed by Adolphus Armstrong, head of the Low Country DNA Project, and we end with Mr. Griffin Lotson, Georgia Commission Vice Chair for the Gullah Geechee Cultural Heritage Corridor Commission,Chief Executive Officer of the non-profit Sams Memorial Community Economic Development, Inc., and manager of the nationally acclaimed Geechee Gullah Ring Shouters.

Curious Roots Season One

In six short form episodes, season one unravels the story of my maternal family and what happened to my Grandmother’s community of Harris Neck, Georgia. The story of Harris Neck is just one example of what continues to happen to Black coastal communities from North Carolina to Florida to this day. This podcast is a story about my own curious roots.

Harris Neck In Pictures

A few images from my own collection of photos.


This resource list is by no means exhaustive. It is a collection of what I’ve read over the years and what influenced the first season of Curious Roots. I believe that there is always more to learn and share so I view this resource list as being in constant state of growth and expansion. Tag me on Instagram @curiousrootspod if you see a missing resource that should be here.